How Virtual Administration Can Benefit Your Business

How Virtual Administration Can Benefit Your Business

Cressida Johns Business Advice

Full article with thanks to: Why do you need a virtual assistant (VA) to help free up your time to run your business and how to get the right one for you. If you are a founder, you know how critical it is to manage your time. And if you are a busy one, you’re all too familiar with inbox and calendar management taking up that precious time. While you’d usually hire a full-time personal assistant (PA) to carry out these tasks, over the past couple of years a far more flexible and efficient solution to the problem has emerged. We’re referring to virtual assistants, of course. Virtual assistants are expert remote freelancers that carry out PA tasks – they’re becoming increasingly popular thanks to their flexibility, pricing, and increasing expertise across verticals. In fact, by 2021, it’s predicted that 24pc of digital workers will use a VA on a daily …