Full article with thanks to: smallbusiness.co.uk/how-to-get-a-virtual-assistant-in-the-uk-2548435
Why do you need a virtual assistant (VA) to help free up your time to run your business and how to get the right one for you.
If you are a founder, you know how critical it is to manage your time. And if you are a busy one, you’re all too familiar with inbox and calendar management taking up that precious time.
While you’d usually hire a full-time personal assistant (PA) to carry out these tasks, over the past couple of years a far more flexible and efficient solution to the problem has emerged.
We’re referring to virtual assistants, of course. Virtual assistants are expert remote freelancers that carry out PA tasks – they’re becoming increasingly popular thanks to their flexibility, pricing, and increasing expertise across verticals. In fact, by 2021, it’s predicted that 24pc of digital workers will use a VA on a daily basis. This will be up from less than 2pc in 2019.
As a provider of virtual admin services, we’re here to talk you through this trend and how to get started with it.
Why do you need a virtual assistant (VA)?
A VA can help with a growing multitude of small tasks that consume your time as a business owner.
Think activities such as:
- Inbox and calendar management
- Travel booking and arrangement
- Research and presentation slides in preparation for your meetings
- Leads follow up calls and client management, as well as personal touches (like a thank you letter)
- Not to mention bookkeeping, paperwork and back-office activities
Beyond that, you can get a VA to hire and manage your online workforce. Many small businesses rely on online freelance help for specialist tasks like logo designer, SEO or social media marketer, or video voice overwork. Based on your guidelines, a VA can scout these professionals on platforms like Fiverr, onboard them on your business and make sure they get the job done as per your standard. All, while you focus on driving the vision of your business forward.
Why a VA is better than a full-time personal assistant
VAs are a remote freelancer that brings some clear benefits to small business owners:
- Flexible investment: VAs can work flexible hours on a per-need basis, instead of engaging in a full-time commitment. That means you can scale up when busy and pull back when not.
- Increased task expertise: If you have a breadth of different activities you need help with, you can hire several virtual assistants for each of them. In other words, you’ll enjoy the benefits of specialisation.
- Work while you sleep: by tapping into a global VA workforce, your business suddenly becomes productive around the clock. Go to bed in the UK, and a US-based virtual assistant will have already completed a to-do list for you by the time your wake up.
Sounds good, right?
Full article with thanks to: smallbusiness.co.uk/how-to-get-a-virtual-assistant-in-the-uk-2548435
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Want personalised advice or need services with virtual administration or virtual bookkeeping? Book your free consultation with Sandcress today.