Full article with thanks to: quickbooks.intuit.com/uk/blog/self-employed-business-expenses Have you ever wondered what exactly are self-employed business expenses? Get on top of your expenses with these top tips for small business owners, covering the basics, plus what you can and can’t claim. Expenses sound simple: just record what you earn and what you spend, right? Somehow, once you’ve entered the world of self-employment, it’s never that easy. Is this £8 lunch a personal or business expense? What can you claim when you’re working from home? And just what is an allowable expense? If you’re self-employed, your business will have various running costs. You can offset some of what you’ve spent against the tax you owe – that is if they’re allowable expenses and for the business only. It’s important to get this right. What is a business expense? Any money used by or in support of your business is a self-employed business expense. These …
How PAYG Virtual Bookkeeping Can Save Your Small Business
Are you wondering if virtual bookkeeping is right for your small business? PAYG Virtual Bookkeeping allows small business owners to take more control over their business. Learn how you can do this… Full article with thanks to: sanaybpo.com/blog/why-virtual-bookkeeping-will-save-your-small-business “Virtual bookkeeping services are scary. They will not work.” It’s a common misconception of those who have not tried yet the various online accounting services. But as soon as they’ve signed up for a virtual small business accounting service, they soon realise the benefits of it. How many times a day have you seen your staff bookkeeper spending his/her time at the water cooler or just chatting with co-workers? When you opt for PAYG Virtual Bookkeeping, you can save money and time. And as a business owner, you know that time means money. Many are still undecided about using it because it will mean outsourcing your accounting/financial statements. But did you know …