Full article with thanks to: marketingsociety.com/the-library/five-tips-increase-your-influence-social-media Social media began almost a decade ago but it’s become a far more prominent and important part of most people’s lives than we could have predicted. It has become a more advanced version of the classic word-of-mouth – and companies try to use it as such. Here are five tips to help your influence through social media platforms. 1. Know your online presence Nowadays, almost all groups, charities, companies, individuals are running a social platform (or they should be). However, to make the most of your online presence, you need to be able to answer three fundamental questions: What is my online presence? For instance, we’ve had clients not knowing about multiple twitter, linkedin and facebook feeds, working inconsistently with different messages Which social platforms best fit my supporter /audience base? For instance, Vine the six-second video sharing site lends sit self very well …