Catalin Care Services (CCS)
Company name: Catalin Care Services (CCS)
Client name: Dragomir Catalin
Location: Derby
First contact: February 2020
Business Launch: tbc
Business Summary: Domiciliary Care Agency
Company website: under construction by Sandcress
Introducing the client: Catalin contacted me as he wanted some help to get a Domiciliary Care Agency (DCA) started. He wanted help with all the significant paperwork required to get approval from the CQC, as well as help in general with setting his business up and small business advice. In addition to this, he needed needed help with how to write a business plan, how to create a profit and loss forecast and how to create in-house policies. I supported his vision for Domiciliary Care Agency and developed a business plan, profit and loss forecast, policies and more to get DCA started.
The journey: Journey in progress - watch this space
Design work: So far we have designed their logo for them. Design and development of their website is currently underway.
The launch: tbc
Client Feedback
Once this client is launched I'll ask for his feedback.