Top Sales Tips

Cressida Johns Uncategorised


Top Sales Tips

Here are a few of the best sales tips I’ve picked up along the way that hopefully you’ll find helpful:


  • When talking to a customer, don’t ask questions that they can answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  You’ll get a lot more information from them this way.
  • It’s not what you say – it’s what your customer believes.
  • Don’t ever make a phone call or send out a communication without an end goal.
  • Don’t bother trying to sell a product or service that you can’t get passionate about or don’t believe that you’re offering a quality product or service that will truly benefit your customers.
  • Don’t be late – EVER
  • Stay standing when greeting a customer – or stand as they enter the room.  ALWAYS shake hands standing up with a nice firm, purposeful handshake.
  • Ensure that every sales call starts with letting the customer know who you are and why you’re calling, how it relates to any previous sales communication and how long the call will take, make sure they’re available for that time or find out when they might have more time to speak.
  • There is no such thing as ‘too expensive’ – but does the value meet the cost?
  • Research your customer before you communicate with them – especially if the communication is by phone or meeting.  Obviously this will depend on the type of company you have.
  • Don’t attempt to present all your information in one sales communication – remember the continuum of behaviour – you need to drip feed the information to them.
  • Tilt your head slightly when you are listening to someone face to face – may seem silly but it’s amazing the response you can get to this.  It conveys that you’re really paying attention to what they are saying.
  • NEVER take it personally